Rockin’ Out in Music Therapy

Blaine loves rocking out during Music TherapyWe know that Music Therapy is scientifically proven to be an incredibly effective therapeutic technique.

Our music therapy program is goal-driven, enhances communication skills, improves fine motor skills, boosts self-esteem, even helps lower blood pressure and ease depression by boosting emotional health.

But it’s also a lot of fun, and who doesn’t need a bit of fun in their lives?

During his weekly sessions with Noble Music Therapist Drew Davenport, Blaine switches it up from an electronic drum set to the keyboard, choosing the songs as they go.

The only requirement? They have to rock it out!

And to show how much fun they have (while learning a lot about himself and what he wants & needs to accomplish), Blaine posted his version of “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” on YouTube.

Check it out here!