Free Upcoming Workshop on enABLE Special Needs Planning

Saving for the future needs of children and adults with disabilities may not be as hard as you think.

ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Accounts are for children and adults who develop a disability before age 26.

In Indiana, they are called INvestABLE accounts. Similar to 529 college savings plans, they can be set up by a person with a disability, a parent, guardian, or power of attorney.

INvestABLE accounts allow Hoosiers with disabilities to remain eligible for SSI and Medicaid. Earnings used for “Qualified Disability Expenses” are not subject to federal income tax.

Qualified Disability Expenses include:

  • Education Needs
  • Housing Costs
  • Transportation
  • Employment Support
  • Prevention and Wellness Healthcare Services
  • Attorney fees

Learn more by registering for this FREE Workshop:

How To Create A Special Needs Plan That Allows Your Child To Live A Purposeful & Impactful Life
Saturday, August 10
2 – 4 pm
ENABLE Special Needs Planning
3625 E. 96th St., Indianapolis

The workshop is free, but space is limited so you must RSVP.

For questions, please email Chelsea Clark of ENABLE Special Needs Planning.