Kids Like Reina Are Counting on You This Giving Tuesday

Kids like Reina are counting on you this Giving Tuesday. If you can, please share the blessings of the season by making a gift to Noble.

Three and a half years ago, the world changed for Deshon and Janae. Pregnant with their third child, they started getting ready. They talked with their daughters about their new sister, Janae did the usual prenatal testing—which came back fine—and they prepared the nursery.

Right after delivering Reina, however, Janae became very sick with Postpartum Preclampsia. This rare condition causes high blood pressure, excess protein in the urine and can even cause a stroke.

She was so sick that it was two days before she learned what no prenatal test had indicated: Reina was born with Down syndrome and needed heart surgery.

“I cried for weeks,” Janae says, “But I told myself that I am going to love Reina forever and always.”

At three months old, Reina began Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies through our Kids Only Early Intervention Service.

From working on her muscles to helping her say her first words, our therapists were there every week, becoming like family. They also taught Janae how to help Reina between therapies. In fact, Reina’s progress has inspired Janae to explore a career in Early Childhood Education.

We need your support to meet the needs of kids like Reina. Because of generous people like you, we are there for the 3,300+ children & adults with disabilities who rely on us, especially during this pandemic. For Reina and so many others, we’re even providing virtual therapies via technology like Zoom so they can continue making progress—but we need your help.

Please consider making a Giving Tuesday gift to Noble today.

On behalf of everyone at Noble, thank you for your support. We wish you a healthy, happy holiday and a wonderful new year.