7 Reasons Why Hiring People with Disabilities Is Good for Business

reposted article written by Karen Herson for Forbes Business Council

Every day, Americans with disabilities bring their skills & talents to our nation’s workplaces. They perform all types of jobs at all levels, in businesses of all sizes. They are entrepreneurs, innovators & community leaders.

For over 15 years, Katie has been working at Community Hospital, where her contributions are appreciated by colleagues and patients alike.Yet, people with disabilities, including veterans with service-connected disabilities, have lower rates of employment than the general population. This is true even though people with disabilities often exemplify the qualities employers seek, including adaptability & resourcefulness. What’s more, disability is diversity: a key component of workplace diversity, equity, inclusion & accessibility (DEIA).

When thinking about hiring employees with disabilities, some employers are concerned about the costs of  job accommodations. These concerns are largely unfounded. Research by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) reveals that the majority of workplace accommodations cost nothing. Of those that do incur a cost, the typical one-time expenditure is $500. According to the employers JAN surveyed, accommodations generally resulted in benefits to the company, like reduced insurance & training costs and increased productivity & morale.

Fortunately, recruiting & hiring qualified people with disabilities doesn’t have to be challenging, thanks to the many organizations & resources supporting DEIA efforts. Here are seven reasons why people with disabilities can offer your company a competitive edge.

1. Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line.

People with disabilities have been solving problems their whole life & tend to bring a strong sense of loyalty to the workplace. Many large corporations, like CVS and Microsoft, have shared how hiring people with disabilities has improved their bottom line. Leaders from Microsoft & Merck say they focus on hiring a workforce that reflects their consumer base, which includes people with disabilities.

2. Discover Untapped Potential.

Finding the right talent can be difficult. If your organization isn’t hiring people with disabilities, you’re missing out on a vast untapped talent pool. Workers with disabilities possess skills & experiences that can offer a competitive edge. For example, research shows that many adults with autism possess higher-than-average abilities in pattern recognition, memory & mathematics — highly sought-after skills in technology & many other sectors. A study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that employees with developmental disabilities contributed to higher productivity, lower absenteeism & increased customer loyalty. Employees with disabilities can also offer creativity, innovation & varied perspectives on how to confront challenges to get a job done.

3. Reduce Turnover.

Employers know turnover can be costly. In fact, the Work Institute’s 2017 Retention Report found that the average cost to replace an employee is $15,000 per worker earning a median salary of $45,000. People with disabilities tend to seek stable, reliable work when searching for jobs & therefore are more likely to have higher retention rates. This is yet another reason why hiring people with disabilities can be good for a company’s bottom line.

4. Improve Company Morale & Overall Culture.

Hiring people with disabilities conveys & promotes an inclusive work environment. This encourages empathy in the workplace (a trait that is important to have when working with customers & clients) and can improve the perception of the company by the consumer. Inclusion can also impact how employees feel about their workplace. A study by Deloitte found that employees who felt included & thought their company valued diversity were 80% more likely to say they worked for a high-performing organization. In addition, hiring people with disabilities communicates social responsibility, demonstrating that the company is interested in broader social issues impacting the community & the people in it. And ensuring employees with disabilities have avenues to leadership can improve company culture from the top down.

5. Expand Your Consumer Market.

People with disabilities make up one of the largest consumer market segments in the U.S. One of the best ways to tap into this segment is through representation in the workplace. People want to support companies that meet their needs. Hiring & promoting people with disabilities shows consumers with disabilities, as well as their families & friends, that they are valued, which may cause them to think more favorably of the company & encourage them to become or remain loyal customers.

6. Qualify for Financial Incentives.

Companies that employ people with disabilities may be eligible for certain federal & state tax deductions & financial incentives.

7. Meet Federal Contractor Requirements.

Regulations under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require that covered federal contractors & subcontractors take proactive steps to recruit & retain workers with disabilities. So, for businesses that work with the government — or perhaps want to do business with the government in the future — being disability-inclusive will help them meet regulatory requirements.

Karen Herson is the Founder & CEO of Concepts, Inc., a disability- and woman-owned small communications firm.