Our Annual Awards

On October 25, Noble will announce its 2024 Annual Award Winners with a full page ad in the Indianapolis Business Journal

Recognizing Those Who Live Our Mission

Each year, we honor individuals, corporate partners & organizations that work tirelessly to help the people we serve pursue their dreams. On October 25, we will announce these 2024 Annual Award Winners with a full-page, back cover ad in the Indianapolis Business Journal.

These individuals, businesses & organizations are selected based on the impact they have made on others–and on our community–by living out Noble’s mission. You can see our last year’s award announcement here!

Thanks to Our Sponsors

We truly appreciate the generous businesses, organizations & individuals that help us shine the spotlight on our Award Winners. As we compile the list of this year’s sponsors, please join us in giving another shout out to our 2023 Annual Award Sponsors!

Our deepest thanks to our 2023 Award Sponsors

Interested in Sponsorship Opportunities?

Sponsoring our Annual Awards offers terrific marketing benefits while providing a great way to support our mission. Check out our many sponsorship levels and let us know if you are interested in sponsoring our 2024 Awards Announcement by emailing Rita Davis or calling her at 317.375.4256.