Gorgeous Garden Flowers

Angie loves spending time in our Giving Sum GardenAngie loves spending time in Noble’s Giving Sum Garden. From the vegetables we grow in there to the flowers that pop up at different times of the summer, it’s an awesome place to hang out.

That’s exactly what Angie was doing–right after she watered the plants. The Indiana sun is shining, but it does make the plants thirsty.

Since the garden was created over 10 years ago, through the generous funding of the Giving Sum philanthropic group, we’ve grown everything from tomatoes to corn and green beans to zucchini.

We like to use the produce as part of a “pay it forward” by donating most of the produce to a couple local food pantries. Angie even volunteered weekly for one of them, Old Bethel & Partners Food Pantry. We used the rest of the produce in our cooking classes, where we try out new recipes.

Volunteers from across the community have spent a lot of time ensuring that the garden is accessible. From the raised planting beds to the wide framing of the shaded gazebo, it’s a great place for everyone.