Ready for the Next Step on Her Career Path

Kayla Volunteering at Teachers Treasures through Career Discovery ExperienceWith a cheerful smile, Kayla is always willing to lend others a hand. Her success in our Career Discovery Experience defines the kind of worker she is: loyal, focused and friendly.

She makes visitors feel welcome and informed, and her respect for the CDE facilitators and her fellow participants is evident in everything she does.

Because she participates in CDE five days a week, Kayla has experienced a number of pre-vocational activities and opportunities to build her skills. She confidently uses a computer to practice her keyboard skills, check email, look up job opportunities and research other skill sets using the internet.

As an aspiring chef who regularly volunteers at Second Helpings, Kayla looks forward to the annual State Fair so she can sample the fair foods.

In addition to volunteering at not-for-profits like Teachers’ Treasures (where she is stocking shelves here) with her CDE colleagues, Kayla enjoys touring area businesses to see how they are run. Her favorites are Goodwill and Staples because she likes books and office supplies.

As Kayla wraps up her time spent gaining skills through CDE, she has begun participating in job shadowing opportunities and interviews with Noble’s Employment Consultants.

“It is important to us that we help Kayla find the best fit,” says CDE Facilitator Chelsea Mason. “We want Kayla to find lasting employment doing a job where she will be successful and find fulfillment.” To learn more about CDE and the many opportunities available, please email Community Employment Manager Deb Okotie or call her at 317-850-4071.