Just The Way You Are

Evan loves rewriting the lyrics to his favorite songs, both as a creative tool and a way to express what he’s feeling. That’s one of the primary goals of Music Therapy. Songwriting also helps Evan cope with life’s changes, while looking forward to the positive things the future holds. Because he’s been practicing songwriting in … Read More »

Working on Stress Management

During the COVID-19 Stay-at-Home order, Kelsey and Behavior Consultant Lindsay Buck had to get creative if they were going to continue working together. That’s when they started meeting up virtually twice a week through video chats. Like so many of us, Kelsey was finding the social isolation difficult to navigate so they have focused their time … Read More »

Learning The Ropes

Being the new guy can be hard, unless you’ve just landed a new job. Dylan is now working through our Noble Employment and Workforce Services (N.E.W.S.) at the Indiana State Library. Monday through Friday, the crew kicks off their day at 6 am, making their way through the various floors of the building before many … Read More »

This Is The Best Thing Ever!

It’s the best thing ever! Twice a week, two-year-old Liam “plays” on the computer with his Noble/Kids Only therapists through First Steps early intervention. Developmental Therapist Kacey Eickhoff and Occupational Therapist Michaela Wadsworth coordinate their efforts with Liam to maximize the impact of both therapies. Remote early intervention therapies (provided through telehealth) ensure that everyone … Read More »

Latest (Noble) Fashion Craze

The latest fashion craze to hit the runway: #COVID-19 face masks that protect (although not quite N95 level) while making a statement. Diane Gann has been with Noble for over 32 years, holding a number of positions along the way. When she’s not helping people with disabilities live their best lives, a favorite hobby is sewing. Each year, … Read More »