Working For You.
Noble’s Community Employment service helps hundreds of individuals learn the skills they need to explore their career goals, land the right job and join our community’s workforce.
Companies throughout our community – and beyond – understand that people with a disability can contribute to their team and make a positive impact on their bottom line. By providing real job opportunities for the people we serve, everyone wins: the employer, the new employee and our community. In fact, some of the people we’ve help over the years have celebrated 20 and 25 years on the job!
Our Community Employment model for success is predicated upon helping them find the right jobs where they can contribute, learn and grow as we all do – as accomplished tax-paying citizens within our community. To learn more about our Community Employment service, please click here.
Find the Right Job through Community Employment.
Our Employment Consultants will help you connect with Vocational Rehabilitation to get the necessary funding, and assess both your job skills and your career goals. Together, you will build your soft skills, enhance your work skills, develop a resume and begin the job search. Once you land the right job, your Employment Consultant will help you through new hire orientation and any training you need to learn your new job responsibilities and help ensure your success. In time, your Employment Consultant then begins to “fade” as you develop natural supports among your new supervisor and co-workers. Of course, we will continue to check in as needed to ensure that you are doing well and everyone is happy.
Funded by the Indiana Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Community Employment is free for employers—including on-the-job training and follow-up. To learn more about our Community Employment service, please click here.
Learn More.
If you or someone you know would benefit from Community Employment or if you are an employer interested in hiring an individual through Noble, please call us at 317-375-2700 to learn more. Or click here, share a little information with us, and we’ll get back to you.