Find Your Artistic Voice.

Therapeutic Art is a creative way to boost your fine motor skills and communicate your thoughts and feelings even when you cannot say them. Through art, we can express emotions, convey our dreams and even improve physical, cognitive, emotional and social functioning. Whether it’s on canvas, with clay, or through photography, the only limit is your imagination.

Everyone Is A Work Of Art.

Because Therapeutic Art is truly a reflection of your inner self, there is no right or wrong way to do it so tap into your creativity and set it free.

  • Art can be created individually or collaboratively
  • Offers a creative outlet for communication and self-expression
  • Boosts emotional health and self esteem
  • Guest artists often visit Noble’s Art Studio to lead classes
  • Finished pieces are often displayed in public venues and local art galleries
  • Enhances fine motor and cognitive skills and improves sensory function
  • Multi-dimensional art using recycled items produces uniquely beautiful results
  • Provides an avenue for entrepreneurial efforts to sell finished pieces
How To Get Involved.

Whether your life is directly impacted by a disability or you care about someone who is facing challenges, we offer resources, services and supports that truly make a difference. Over the years, we have impacted thousands of lives, helping individuals achieve their dreams. And you can help us impact thousands more by volunteering your time or financially supporting our mission. Together, we can Dream it. Live it.™

Case History: A Noble Life.

Lisa has always loved art, the freedom that comes with brushing vivid colors on a sprawling white canvas. While her favorite subject is nature, she enjoys working both independently and on collaborative projects that feature a variety of subjects. Now she is in the midst of launching her own business by selling her canvases online. She was also the featured artist at one of the city’s First Fridays Art Tours and hopes to do so again. You can find several of her pieces for sale at

As just one facet of our Medicaid Waiver-funded Community Integration service, Therapeutic Art is a value-added component of our day services.

Learn More.

If you or someone you know would benefit from Therapeutic Art, please call us at 317-375-2700 to learn more. Or click here, share a little information with us, and we’ll get back to you.

Kelvin, Kaitlyn, Dale and Donald loved seeing the first preseason game
Lisa Thacker holding her a colorful art piece that she painted.
Mar 21, 2025

How Early Intervention Promotes Development


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